Training Toolkit

Superior STAR Health specialists have developed this training toolkit for Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) staff, any additional state or federal agencies and providers who want to learn more about the STAR Health program.

Included in this toolkit are:

  • Presentations and webinars that review five (5) main STAR Health topics
  • Previously recorded webinar trainings led by STAR Health experts
  • Quizzes that correspond with the presentations and webinar trainings
  • Helpful Superior and state agency links that provide further information you may need

Training Presentations

To review and register for available behavioral health clinical trainings, please visit the link below:

Child Nutrition: Obesity and Malnutrition

Health Passport

How can I help a child access Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services?

How to Access Services for Children with Primary Medical Needs

How to Request and Access Durable Medical Equipment for Children in Foster Care

Human Trafficking

Mental Health 101


Planning for Health Care during Placement Transitions

Substance Abuse

Transitioning Youth

What are the stages of children under 4?

When should I visit the emergency room?

For more information or questions on the trainings above, please email Detailed instructions for registering and accessing the trainings can be found at the following link: Steps for Downloading STAR Health Webinar Recordings (PDF). You may also review our STAR Health (Foster Care) Training (PDF) for more information about the STAR Health program, or RSVP to attend an in-person provider training or online webinar, by visiting Superior’s Provider Training CalendarExternal Link.