Emergency Services
Where to Go For Emergency Services
If you are experiencing a crisis or find yourself in need of emergency care, Superior can help. Use the information and phone numbers below to get immediate assistance.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Call or text 988 if you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or behavior.
24/7 Behavioral Health Crisis Line: 1-866-912-6283, press * (star)
- If you are having a behavioral health emergency, and need assistance from a licensed mental health professional because:
- Your child is engaging in any self-harming behaviors.
- Your child is threatening to harm themselves or others.
- Your child is engaging in behavior that concerns you.
Additional crisis support in Dallas/Fort Worth. Crisis support is now available statewide through virtual participation.
- The Turning Point program offers crisis support 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
- Dallas/Fort Worth: 1-817-909-1171
24/7 Nurse Advice Line: 1-866-912-6283
- If you have a medical crisis, and need assistance with the following:
- Help caring for a sick child.
- Help knowing if you should see your Primary Care Provider.
- Answers to questions about your health.
Alcohol/Drug Crisis Line: 1-866-912-6283
Pharmacy Helpline: 1-866-912-6283
- The pharmacy help line can help you get medications that your doctor prescribed for you.
Emergency Room (ER)
- Consider all of your options before going to the ER. Visit the ER if you’re experiencing one of the life-threatening injuries or illness below:
- Broken bones
- Bleeding that won’t stop
- Labor pains or other bleeding (if pregnant)
- Shock symptoms (sweat, thirst, dizziness, pale skin)
- Drug overdose
- Ingested poison
- Bad burns
- Convulsions or seizures
- Trouble breathing
- The sudden inability to see, move or speak
- Chest pains or heart attack symptoms
- Gun or knife wounds
Call 911 if you are in need of immediate attention due to a life-threatening injury or in immediate danger. This could be situations such as being unable to breathe or wanting to harm yourself or others.